
Just how Big is Big Data? It’s difficult to wrap our heads around it. We now carry in our pockets computers (a.k.a. smartphones) that have 1 million times more memory than NASA’s Apollo Guidance Computer, which was used to land the first human beings on the moon. The world’s most powerful supercomputer is the Summit housed at the Oakridge National Laboratory. It can perform 200 quadrillion (1 x 1015) calculations per second. 

It’s an indescribable number, somewhere between the number of ants alive on earth at one time and the number of grains of sand on earth. Suffice it to say, today’s researchers have some freakin’ amazing computer power at their disposal.

The truth, however, is that many scientific fields have yet to realize the potential of Big Data. That’s where the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Big Idea, Harnessing the Data Revolution (HDR), comes in. This $30 million initiative is among 速度快的代理ip identified by NSF in 2017. Projects funded by this initiative are doing everything from improving our chances of detecting dark matter to resolving the tree of life. 

Coordinating the building of a national data infrastructure, sharing best practices and identifying gaps that need to be addressed by the community is no small effort. In April, 160 researchers — all of whom are Principal Investigators on HDR-funded projects — gathered online for the KI-facilitated 2020 HDR All-hands Meeting. Organizers from the NSF Big Data Innovation Hubs converted the meeting, originally scheduled to take place in the Washington, D.C. area, to a virtual event due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We want this to be a connected ecosystem so that results and findings and expertise that are generated in one project really can be circulated and built upon,” says Renata Rawlings-Goss, Ph.D., Executive Director of the South Big Data Innovation Hub (SouthBDHub), one of four regional Hubs across the country. “This meeting was about identifying projects, community building and forming collaborations — especially among those from disciplines that don’t normally work together.”

Tufts University’s Lenore Cowen, Ph.D., was impressed by the number of collaborators she was able to meet at the virtual meeting. “We are already pursuing some of these collaborations and others we are just beginning to follow-up on as the semester ends, summer begins and we have more time to talk further,” says Cowen, Professor of Computer Science and Director of T-Tripods.

Given the fairly recent start of the HDR Big Idea, Cowen says it was important not to cancel this meeting. “This is very new territory and the community got a lot out of it.”

The University of Utah’s Chris Meyers, Ph.D., says the meeting was perhaps even better virtual than in-person. “It was very seamless to move from discussions. The KIStorm software was great. I plan to use this as a model for future virtual meetings,” says Meyers, who is a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Anastasios Sidiropoulos, Ph.D., agreed. “I was hoping to meet new colleagues, exchange ideas, and learn interesting research directions that the HDR projects are pursuing. My expectations were met fully,” says Sidiropoulos, an Associate Professor of Computer Science at the University of Illinois, Chicago. “I think virtual meetings like this are the future of scientific discourse.”

By Camille Mojica Rey, PhD, Science Communications Director, Knowinnovation


服务器代理ip上网爬虫-智连代理:2021-3-28 · 1.高效的代理IP。代理IP相当于分身,一旦受到反爬虫机制被封IP后,就用代理IP换个IP继续抓取。但要注意的事,用了高效的代理IP后,也不能忽略反爬虫,要合理的安排爬虫程序,还可以节约代理IP资源的,否则需要更多成本购买代理,同时还影响效率。

Funded with a South Big Data Hub SPOKE grant, the Virtual Ecological Research Assistant (VERA) is web application that enables users to construct conceptual models of ecological systems, and run interactive simulations of these models. This allows users to explore ecological systems and perform “what if” experiments to either explain an existing ecological system or attempt to predict the outcome of future changes to one.

ip加速器_免费网络加速器下载_动态ip代理软件_http代理ip服务器:2021-6-6 · IP加速器是一款可以免费试用的IP加速软件,老牌IP加速器,全球节点部署代理ip服务器、动态ip代理、http代理ip,一键智能IP加速,低延迟,零丢包,高稳定,让你畅享精彩内容。注册即可免费试用,流量无限制,智能加速,加快按键反应速度,提高网络游戏操作效率。

Read the full white paper here.


The NSF Spoke Project ‘Using Big Data for Environmental Sustainability: Big Data + AI Technology = Accessible, Usable, Useful Knowledge’ has repurposed VERA to model the effect of social distancing on the spread of COVID-19, including the SIR model of epidemiology. VERA enables a user to build conceptual models and agent-based simulations, and conduct “what if” virtual experiments.

Read the white paper abstract below:

COVID-19 continues to spread across the country and around the world. Current strategies for managing the spread of COVID-19 include social distancing. We present VERA, an interactive AI tool, that first enables users to specify conceptual models of the impact of social distancing on the
spread of COVID-19. Then, VERA automatically spawns agent-based simulations from the conceptual models, and, given a data set, automatically fills in the values of the simulation parameters
from the data. Next, the user can view the simulation results, and, if needed, revise the simulation parameters and run another experimental trial, or build an alternative conceptual model. We describe
the use VERA to develop a SIR model for the spread of COVID-19 and its relationship with healthcare capacity.

View the project and white paper ‘VERA_Epidemiology – White Paper 1: Using VERA to explain the impact of social distancing on the spread of COVID-19 手机如何使用代理ip上网



Applications are closed!

PEPI-G supports data faculty members, research scientists, postdocs, and graduate and undergraduate students from across the country in working on high level problems for the federal government. Our 2020 program partner is the Department of Homeland Security – Advanced Research Projects Agency (DHS-ARPA).  

用代理ip加速与网络加速器的不同-智连:2021-12-18 · 用代理ip加速 与网络加速器的不同 来源:互联网 作者:admin 发布时间:2021.12.18 使用网络的时候,我们或多或少都会遇到网络卡顿的情况。相信大家也有过点开一个软件等半天,或者是打开网站半天都不响应,什么都不显示。这样的情况实在是 ...

Applicants can request 3-6 months for the fellowship.

Selected individuals will receive a stipend of $5000/month to off-set travel costs for relocating to Washington DC. 

For questions feel free to contact South Big Data Hub Program Coordinator, Kendra Lewis-Strickland at klewis-strickland@gatech.edu.


(Survey Closed; Thank You for Your Feedback) Start the New Year off by sharing your experiences, needs, and perspectives with us! Spare a few minutes and help inform the future strategic South Hub programs, activities, & opportunities. It’s completely anonymous!

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The South Big Data Innovation Hub is excited to host the 2020 DataUp Program. DataUp will offer hands-on training for instructor teams at minority-serving institutions, community colleges, or 4-year liberal arts colleges. Priority will be given to hosts who can demonstrate the participation of faculty from diverse departments, or multiple institutions of the types listed above.

Applications Close March 31! (Applications Closed)

Applicants must be groups of 2-4 faculty or permanent staff from a minority-led, -serving, primarily teaching institutions, community colleges or 4-year liberal arts colleges institution or group of institutions in the same local area to maintain a cohort model in each location. Lead Institutions must be in the 16 states of the South Huband ip代理地址 - 好看123:2021-6-15 · 10.代理ip加速器代理ip软件http免费动态ip代理服务器精灵代理 点击前往 网站介绍:代理ip加速器选精灵代理,国内知名的代理ip软件,精灵代理专业提供免费动态ip,ip加速器,代理服务器,http代理,socks5代理等,在电脑ip修改器和手机ip转换器方面深受广大.... To ensure broad and adequate attendance, in the application process, institutions will submit a list of potential attendees or partners from their local communities which should include local minority-serving institutions and community colleges. Institutions with the broadest reach will be selected for participation.

Interested? Learn more about the 2018 cohort’s experiences at the DataUp webpage.


In the week of July 29-Aug 2, 2019, more than 50 faculty and students from more 21 institutions participated in two R bootcamps at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (UTC). The iCompBio REU is supported by NSF Award 1852042,  REU Site: ICompBio – Engaging Undergraduates in Interdisciplinary Computing for Biological Research. The first bootcamp on data wrangling using R was taught by Hong Qin, a computational biologist at UTC. Materials for this R Data Wrangling bootcamp is available at a public GitHub repository http://tinyurl.com/UTC-R-camps2019. The second bootcamp, Electronic Health Records, was taught by Elvena Fong and Zhuqi Miao from the Center for Health Systems Innovation at the Oklahoma State University.

For discussion on research and education in bio big data, please join a LinkedIn group at http://www.linkedin.com/groups/12279083/

用代理ip加速与网络加速器的不同-智连代理:2021-12-18 · 使用智连代理换ip软件的优势 我们在进行一些网络操作的时候,如果执行得太过于频繁,就会被目标网站给禁止访问,或者是执行任何操作。例如,网络推广人员需要切换不同的帐号发广告,当发送的广告过多时,IP就容易

换IP软件真的有用吗-智游代理:2021-7-31 · 2 代理ip怎么这么好用 在网络信息时代,每天的网络信息量都在增多,数据信息无时无刻不在产生,因此IP也逐渐被大家了解和重视。其实很多与互联网有关的工作都需要用到IP,我们智游代理就是一款切换国内IP的软件,智游代理也是一款动态软件,每天都会更新10W以上高质量的真实IP。

Biological REU

From May 27 to August 5, 2019, a group of 12 students participated in a 10-week Interdisciplinary Computing for Biological Research REU program at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. These undergraduate researchers are from Fisk University, Tuskegee University, Morehouse College, Norfolk State University, University of Virgin Islands, Tennessee Technological University, Rhodes College, Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania, the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. The majors of these students include 3 Mathematics, 2 Chemical Engineering, 3 Biology, 1 Biochemistry, 2 Computer Science, and 1 Computer Engineering. The iCompBio19 includes a total of 8 faculty mentors 2019 that come from Computer Science, Mathematics, Biology, Geology, and Chemical Engineering.

All students presented their REU research results at a poster symposium on July 31.


The 12 student participants in the 10-week Interdisciplinary Computing for Biological Research REU program at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. The REU was supported by the NSF Big Data Spoke award, Integrating Biological Big Data Research into Student Training and Education.


The 12 student participants of the 10-week Interdisciplinary Computing for Biological Research REU program presenting their REU research results at a poster symposium on July 31. The REU was supported by the NSF Big Data Spoke award, Integrating Biological Big Data Research into Student Training and Education.


The Program to Empower Partnerships with Industry and Government (PEPI-G) supports faculty members, research scientists, postdocs, and graduate and undergraduate students (rising juniors and seniors as of 2019) from the 16 states that comprise the South Big Data Regional Innovation Hub (South BD Hub).

2019 Fellows


James Stevenson is an undergraduate student at Northern Kentucky University and is currently pursuing his degree in Information Technology with his focus being Cybersecurity. He’s a technologist at heart and enjoys everything related to cyberinfrastructure, social cybersecurity, the internet of things, and data manipulation. His goals for his senior year of college are to gain professional experience in his career field and to develop his technical skills. This fellowship provided by the Big South Data Hub will allow him to reach these goals.


Rachel St Clair is a doctoral student at Florida Atlantic University studying Complex Systems and Brain Sciences. Rachel’s main focus centers in multi-modal, translational machine learning in complex systems and brain sciences. Her background in both medicine and biology helps structure the integration of machine learning models for both academia and industry applications. Previous work involves a variety of research fields including mental disorder diagnosis, epileptic mice investigations, and synthetic drug detection. Drawing from interdisciplinary experiences drives her current integrative research in deep learning proteomics, computer vision, and therapeutic XR platforms. Her future accomplishments aim to include advancements in advanced machine perception and general AI. Rachel notes, ‘working with others who care deeply for the evolution of computerized cognitive task and their role in making the world a safer place would be a defining historical moment in my career path’.

2019 Partner

The Department of Homeland Security – Advanced Research Projects Agency (DHS-ARPA) DA-E lab infrastructure consists of industry-standard servers and network gear, custom appliances built on the premise, and commercial and private cloud capabilities. 

DHS’ identified Priority Areas:

  • Human Trafficking – Examining social media to aid in the fight against human trafficking focusing on Non-Text Data, Automating Search and Scalability
  • Real-time Analytics for Multi-party, Metro-scale Networks (RAMMMNets) – Data associated with the Internet-of-Things presents challenges to the analytic environments that inform human decision making.
  • Other Topics – Faculty fellows may propose other research topics for consideration.


NSF Invests $4 Million in Big Data for Southern United States

Precision medicine and understanding health disparities, innovation to power competitive manufacturing, technology for smarter communities, and addressing coastal hazards such as hurricanes are among the challenges facing the Southern United States. A $4 million award from the National Science Foundation (NSF) will help apply data science and engineering to address those challenges.

The funding will continue support for the South Big Data Innovation Hub, an organization that helps 16 Southern States and the District of Columbia identify and utilize data science and engineering to address critical societal needs. One of four NSF-supported regional data hubs in the U.S., the South Big Data Hub is managed by the Georgia Institute of Technology and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

“The Big Data Hubs provide a connective tissue for the data science ecosystem across sectors and domains,” said Renata Rawlings-Goss, the Hub’s executive director. “I am deeply pleased by NSF’s recommitment to the growth of the South Hub and our community. Over the last three years, we have made great strides within our priority areas and are looking to broaden that reach in the next four years.”

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With the end of the first grant, Dr. Lea Shanley has stepped down from her role as co-Executive Director of the South Hub. We appreciate her leadership and commitment to the Hub, fostering the All Hub Cyberinfrastructure and Social Cybersecurity Working groups, catalyzing and supporting our Spoke research teams, building numerous collaborative partnerships to benefit this community, and co-authoring the proposal for the next phase of the South BD Hub.

She sends her thanks to the National Science Foundation CISE, the South Hub’s many collaborators and working group co-chairs, the hardworking Executive and Deputy Directors across all four Hubs, and especially to the South Hub team!

Dr. Shanley is now a Fellow at the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison, and can be reached at lshanley@wisc.edu and http://www.linkedin.com/in/leashanley. We wish her much success in her future endeavors.  


Dr. Renata Rawlings-Goss will continue her leadership of the South Hub as Executive Director.

Shannon McKeen will join the South Hub leadership team as Deputy Director. Shannon brings 20+ years of experience in strategic planning and university and corporate relations to the Hub team. He holds a BS in computer science from Williams College and an MBA from The Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth.